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My advice for doing university's projects

Here's some advice I'd like to give to my colleagues who are working on their university projects.

I'd like to thank my friend Ahmed Mamdouh for helping me write this.

Don't work for grades

Don't work for grades. The whole point of the project is to learn new stuff, deepen your understanding of the course concepts. Make something

that are you proud of to be put in your resume.

Start using Unix-like Shell

One of the things that I highly recommend using is to start using the command line. If you are a Linux/MacOS user just learn and start

using your terminal. If you are using Windows you may consider using WSL2.

Mit tutorial

Use Version Control

Regardless of how small the project is, don't send the code to your teammates by mail :D, use version control to track your files, and use

services like Github to easily collaborate with your teammates.

Git tutorial

Use linter and formatters

Use code linters to assure code quality. for example, I use sonalint while working on java projects.

I also recommend using formatters like prettier.

Git commit change standard

Use a standard format for the git commit message. and make it detailed as possible.

Here is an example convention

Use Unit tests

Writing unit tests is a good skill that is good to have while you're a student.

Unit tests Intro

Code review

Usually, you don't have a mentor working on a university project. So the projects team should consider reviewing each others' code.

Github tutorial

Choose your teammates wisely

The key to choosing a good teammate is that he's willing to learn new things and flexible to try new things out.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you like it. If you have any advice for me please tell me 😃.