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VHDL بصمجة

Basic Entity

    port(_first, _second : in std_logic;
    _Q : out std_logic);

Input and Output

  • Bit 0 & 1 only

  • STD_LOGIC 0, 1, X unknown, Z high Impedance

  • STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ii downto jj) instead of repeating i > j

  • Integer Range ii To jj. To prevent overflow.

Types of variabels

  • In assigned once (Read ONLY) & it's only input of a function.

  • Out assigned once (Write only) & it's only output of a function.

  • Buffer used when particular port need to be read & written

  • INOUT it's like buffer but allows but allow the port to be connected to mulitpule source.


Generic is used to create a variable that can take on different values depending on size of component you're creating.


    Generic (_N : Integer := _defaultValue)
    Port (_X: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (_N downto 0);
    _Y OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(_N + 1 downto 0));

Use Entity in another place

  1. component present in architecture of the other Entity

  2. Package after writing the entity & arch

Package _Pname IS
    component _name IS
        Port (...);   <- same as entity.
    end component;
end _Pname;

Import it in the other place.

library work;
use work._Pname.all;



  • signal variable that os neither input nor output.

  • created before begin

  • signal s1, s2 : STD_LOGIC;


  • allows a previously created entity to be used as a component in a bigger architecture.

  • created before begin

Component fulladd 
    PORT (x, y : IN STD_LOGIC, 
    s : out STD_LOGIC);
END Component;

Port Map

  • used to create interconnections between inputs, components, signals, ..etc.

  • created after begin.

  • stage0: fulladd portmap(x, y, s);

Select Signal Assignmnets

  • allows signal to be assigned one of several values.

  • created after begin.

  • keywords with, when, others, 'select'

with _S Select
    f <= w0 when '0'
        w1 when others;

Conditional signal assignment

  • keywords when, select

  • f <= w0 when s='0' else w1;

For Generate

  • created after begin

LABEL: FOR i IN 0 TO M Generate
    Component_label: PORT MAP (..);
END Generatel

IF Generate

  • must be inside FOR Generate

genertae_label: if i = _value Generate
    Component_label: PORT MAP(...);
END Generate;

Process Statement

  • created after begin

Process(_v1, _v2, ..) <- sensetivity list 
    IF _cond THEN 
    END IF;
  • x'Event

Process(clk, D)
    IF clk'Event AND clk = '1' Then
        Q <= D;
    END IF;
End Process;
  • wait until sensitivity list is omitted

    wait until clk'Event AND clk = '1'
        Q <= D;
End Process;


  • to create user defined signal type

  • implemented before begin

Type _myType IS (.., .., ..);
Signal _signal : _myType;

User defined attribute

  • used to associate some desired type of info with an object in VHDL

Type _myType IS (.., .., ..);
Attribute ENUM_ENCODING : String;
Attribute ENUM_ENCODING OF _myType IS "         ";
Signal _signal : _myType;

Case Statement

  • created after begin

Case _variable IS 
    when _v1 => 
    when _v2 => 
    when others => 
End Case;

Generic Map

  • is similar to the port map used to assign values to the generic

parameters of the sub-circuit.

  • after begin

stage0 : _fnName Generic Map (_fnVal) Port Map(_in, _out);


loop-label : for _i in _k downto
End loop;



[kind] function fnName [(parameter_declaration)] 
return type_name is [function_declartian]
end [function][function_name]
function func1 (Signal A, B : in Integer; MaxValue: Integer) return Integer is 
variable Temp, Max: Integer;
    Temp := A + B;
    if Temp < MaxValue then
        Max := MaxValue;
        Max := MaxValuel
    end if;
    return Max;
end func1;
  • function is calld v <= func1(m, n, 12);

Thanks to the riginal author.